Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hammer Toes More Condition_treatment Overtime Does Hammer Toe Get Worse?

Overtime does hammer toe get worse? - hammer toes more condition_treatment

I'm 16 and I have it. ugh, that sux .. I have this picture and that seems to me now, sorta, but a little higher ...
Sometimes my foot is "blocked" and wounded .. I had very bad for a few years.
Are you still get worse over time and how to prevent or disappear?


Affy007 said...

Yes, yes, if I no longer take care of now. The Mayo Clinic has an article and tips: ...

From: ...
The treatment starts with new shoes that have soft, roomy toe. Shoes should centimeters longer than the longest finger. (Note: For many people the second toe is longer than the big toe.) Avoid pay high high heels, tight narrow. It may also be able to find a shoe with a toe-depth adjustment to the hammer toes. "However, a shoe repair shop can be in a position that stands toe to the foot. Sandals May of aid, if they do not rub extended clip or other areas on foot.

Your doctor may even set foot exercisesYou can do at home to stretch and strengthen muscles. For example, you can stretch your fingers gently in his hand. Use fingers to pick up the objects on the ground. While you watch TV or read, you can place a towel under your feet flat and get crush your toes.

Finally, your doctor may recommend commercially available straps, cushions or nonmedicated corn pads to relieve the symptoms. If you have diabetes, poor circulation or lack of sensation in the feet, ask your doctor before you try self-treatment.

Hammer toe can be corrected by surgery if conservative measures have failed. The surgery is usually an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. The actual procedure depends on the nature and extent of deformation. AfterSurgery, it may be a certain stiffness, swelling and redness and the toe and can be longer or shorter than before. You can walk, but not any plan for long walks during the recovery toe, and should keep your feet as much as possible. "

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