Saturday, December 5, 2009

Schoolgirls 4 All Archive How Should I Next Get My Hair Done?

How should I next get my hair done? - schoolgirls 4 all archive

I am in a ditherspaz whether ...
* Get redo my blue hair and inhibit the growth of other
* Get it stained mahogany color with a soft blue light or gold in a time that grows
* How to think Gorillaz Noodle Get Cut (I, on the edge, the appearance of Paul McCartney, after a certain time could be a problem)
* After I bleached blond flashes (bleaching or black, I'm not sure)
* Time (once) to the pieces of my hair down, when I published a ponytail, in fact, red and pink mixed with blue, purple and green (and my blinking before it is lost), caramel brown Blonde or brandy, or just blue.

All I know for sure is that I grow my hair again (3 of my 4 roommates have long hair suits me), and if I have any hair Noodle has a small tuft edge of the middle of the forehead (I refuse to be in could be the Gaza schoolgirl back and I think a full band difficult).

In accordance with the shifts and / or movement is very important!


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