Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Cars Online Why Can't We Just Buy New Cars Online & Have Them Dropped Off By Truck Instead Of Going To Greedy Dealers?

Why can't we just buy new cars online & have them dropped off by truck instead of going to greedy dealers? - new cars online

LOL - Aah, yes. Auto Dealers greedy evil. What is sold with the average profit margin of 5% per vehicle.

You pay 200% markup on a T-shirt at Wal Mart, but hey, the dealers are greedy.

Now, remove, when a car in the plant, which is surrounded in a protective film, you include the built-in accessory minor, without looking, unwashed, and not ready for public presentation. A portion of the royalties from a greedy businessman, the work is needed to a new car presentable to the public. Are in balance when a new car is out of the car will need 4-5 hours to get it now for sale.

You then have the logistical nightmare of your proposal. One might think that hundreds, not thousands of trucks on the road in the U.S. droppping a car at a time would be cheaper? No less. 10-If you put a carrier from Detroit to Dallas, made stop, drop, and reverse. If you are 10 stops around half a hectare of hell, the cost of providing increases dramatically.

Your dealer does a badDMV ll work, property transfers, and financing in most cases.

Then we have all the buyers that were necessary for someone in order to show them how the OnStar navigation system, where the cat is and how to use all the little things that could never be a drop-and-go to work.

Thus, there are a few reasons why we keep an average profit margin of 5% in the car. It's like walking through Sam's Club and get a piece of paper from the printer. There is much more involved in the sale and delivery of car keys. "


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